Eddie Veder
The world has indeed changed in the past two months. Many of us are under stay at home orders and cannot get together in person to dance anymore for a while. I have taken to music as a form of escape. It keeps my mind away from all the gloom and doom reports. There are also plenty of Zoom dance events these days. It's not the same, but I get some exercise from them.
It's time for some cultural cross-pollination between Bulgaria and Serbia. The dances are Bulgarian, the music is from Serbia.
Video #1 is Tsigansko Horo from Bulgaria. The performing group is Nadigrai Me (also the name of a competitive folk dance show that was broadcast in Bulgaria 10 years ago. It lasted for several seasons.) The dance is similar to Chichovo Horo, with some fancier moves. Listen to the music carefully.
Video #2 is a crazy version of Chichovo Horo, another Bulgarian dance performed by Lyush from Dallas, Texas. They use the song Kermes by Sanja Ilic and Balkanika. It's similar to the music in Video #1. The main difference is that the melody is played on a gaida instead of brass instruments. The chorus part is the same (at 1:25).
Why does the music in Video #1 and Video #2 sound similar? It's the same band, Sanja Ilic and Balkanika. They are very popular in Serbia, and have performed at Guca, a brass band festival that takes place every year in August. They also participated the Eurovision Song Contest for 2018, and placed 19th. (Unfortunately the contest has been cancelled for 2020 because of coronavirus concerns, but you can find this year's songs on YouTube.)
This is a totally wild video with a little bit of everything, an auto mechanic, a man with a bullhorn, an oboe player, women cleaning a fancy car, even a dog!
You can find the lyrics for Djipaj (in Serbian) here.
At the end the ladies push the car. The "mechanic" couldn't fix it!
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A Sense of Deja Vu
Almost the Same Music, Different Dance: Part One
Eurovision and Folklore

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