Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bits, Pieces, and Other Cool Stuff Stuff From the Universe of YouTube

Today's post will feature some odds and ends from the Universe of You Tube, with videos from the United States, Bulgaria, and France.

Is this an earthquake? No, it's actually the synergy of vibrations from the brass band music and the dancers which shook up the chandelier in the room. This video was taken at the Zlatne Uste Golden Festival, a yearly celebration of Balkan music and dance which takes place the third weekend of January. Fortunately, the chandelier didn't fall, with the number of people at this festival it would have been quite a disaster.

These people at a wedding dance a rachenitsa (Bulgarian folk dance in 7/8 time) with a cake. Or two. That takes skill.

The next video is of IRé, a Bulgarian singer living in France, who mixes jazz with Bulgarian folk music. She and her friends are totally caffeinated and a joy to watch :)

Read more about IRé here (and you can watch the video again, as well)

And finally, there's physical education class in Bulgaria. Looks like these kids are combining folk dance with aerobics, a good way to work off the excess energy that is so abundant in young people. According to the video's creator, this is a group of kindergarteners and they look like they're having a great time! What's really cool is that they're wearing traditional Bulgarian costumes and dancing to music by Diko Iliev. This is definitely more fun than playing dodgeball or field hockey.

By the way, they are also very cute :)

Here are the answers to last week's Bulgarian Folklore Quiz: (no, I didn't forget!) How did you score? Come on, it wasn't that hard :)

1. Rhodope
2. Dobrudja
3. Severnjasko
4. Pirin
5. Thrace
6. Shope (Sopluk)
7. Strandza

If you enjoyed this you may also like:

On Ethnic Dance and Exercise, (why dance should be offered as an alternative to sports in the public schools)

The "Flavors" of Bulgarian Rachenitsa (everything you always wanted to know about the Bulgarian national dance)

Modern Versions of Traditional Bulgarian Folk Songs (some interesting variations on a theme)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


  1. What a wonderful post Katley... the children were a joy to watch! I also was very relieved when that chandeler didn't come crashing to the ground! :)

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by to read, Tracie and glad you enjoyed :)

  3. Dancing, sports... walking the dog is all I need, kinda tired watching them; what's my age again?
