Monday, August 8, 2022

Balkan Dances Often Confused Part 23: Roata and Raca

I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.
Jack Kerouac

 I never thought this series would get this far with this confusion topic. One evening the leader introduced a dance named Roata Femeilor. The word "roata" reminded me of a Serbian Vlach dance, Raca, that we do. The pronunciation is very similar. 

Video #1 is the more familiar dance: Raca. This is a basic dance. People sometimes talk when they dance this because it's easy (it starts off slow and speeds up at the end). The problem is that when people talk it messes up the line.  

 Video # 2 is the less familiar Romanian dance, Roata Femeilor. The literal translation is women's wheel, but since Google Translate can come up with some odd translations, the best translation would be women's circle. In the video below there are both male and female dancers in a circle. The dance is from Maramures, in northwest Romania. It is slow and easy to follow.


 If you enjoyed this, you may also like Balkan Dances Often Confused (the series). This post connects with all the links.