Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Janino Oro, Jove Malej Mome, and Jovino Horo

Every writer has certain subjects that they write about again and again, and . . . most people's books are just variations on certain themes. Christopher Isherwoood

Confusion is to be embraced, not feared.

What do the music for Janino Oro, Jove Malej Mome, and Jovino Horo have in common? Is there a resemblance somewhere?

Video #1 is  Janino Oro, performed by Amanet from North Macedonia.  They were featured in a recent post.

This tune bears a striking resemblance in melody and rhythm to a Bulgarian dance from the Shope region: Jove Malaj Mome

Here is an interesting article from The Society of Folk Dance Historians about Janino and Jove Malaj Mome:


Video #2 is Jove  Malaj Mome.  The similarity of the music to Janino Oro is quite noticeable.


Video #3 is the Bulgarian dance Jovino Horo. The steps are similar to Jove Malej Mome but done to different music.  The group is from Bulgaria.   (The dance is also transliterated as Yovino Horo).

If you enjoyed this you may also like:

In Memory of Atanas Kolarovski (Janino Oro was a dance he taught)

Amanet from North Macedonia

Dancing Through the Alphabet, Letter Y

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


  1. Hi ho, Love your series! Jaap Legwater taught Anke Luko Pero which also has some of Jove Malaj Mome in it!

    1. Hi , Karia, thanks so much for reading and commenting. I think I have heard Anke Luko Pero but can't find it anywhere on YouTube. Do you know where I can find it?
